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 The Legacy Continues

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Sora Ishida
Sora Ishida

Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-06-06

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PostSubject: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 1:50 am

A/N: Okay this is a next generation digimon fic which stars the kids of the Digidestined. I dont know if you will like it but its quite popular on fanfiction.net and is my biggest project so far even though I only have four chapters up so far so yes please read and review.


Goggles. A true sign of being a leader of the Digidestined. However this was the first time the leader of the Digidestined was a female. Her name was Raisa Kamiya yes she was the daughter of the original goggle head Tai Kamiya. Her mother was Sora Kamiya. Her digimon was Agumon she had a younger brother Tallis who had a Biyomon. Raisa was much like her father not thinking before she acted, could be extremely irrational at times but cared a lot about her friends which included the rest of the new Digidestined. Raisa had the crest of courage and she was certainly suited to it she was the type to never give up even when the situation seemed impossible though she did care a lot about her younger brother Tallis.

Tallis was quite the innocent young fellow and cared a lot about his friends and was constantly worried about them he wasn't really sure how he felt about being a Digidestined but knew it was his duty plus he was quite close with his digimon Biyomon. Tallis had the crest of love and it showed on him considering he was always worrying about everyone and wanted them to be okay much like his mother was.

The other children in the team were Bertin Ishida, Camilla Kido, Justin and Nadine Takaishi, Dai Motomiya, Mabel Ichijoji and Sachin Hida the nine of them were the next generation of the Digidestined. Bertin was the son of Matt and Jun Ishida it was strange Matt had married Jun but love can be strange sometimes. Bertin was quite shy but he would do anything for his friends even if he was scared or didn't think he was strong enough and Bertin didn't call himself too strong or anything. His digimon partner was Gabumon and the only one Bertin was really close to Bertin shared everything with Gabumon including the fact how he sometimes felt uncertain whether he was good enough to be Digidestined.

Camilla was the daughter of Joe and Mimi Kido. Ah a predictable considering Joe and Mimi's close relationship in the first adventure. Camilla like Mimi expressed her feelings openly and even admitted that she didn't think she was ready to be a Digidestined or how well she would be at it but both her parents reassured her that they understood and that they knew she would make them proud. Camilla's digimon was Palmon the two of them were best friends they shared everything but at the same time Camilla worried about losing her she knew if she went to fight in the digital world with the others Palmon could get hurt and she didn't want that. But it seemed as if she had no choice.

Justin and Nadine Takaishi were the children of TK and Kari Takaishi. Justin was a lot like his father trying to think positive even when the situation was terrible a reason why he and Raisa got along so well despite the fact of them being cousins. However Justin was quite overprotective of his younger sister Nadine. Justin's digimon was Patamon who was to him a close friend and someone Justin could turn to for support and even guidance. Nadine was much like her mother she was dependable on her brother Justin just like Kari was on Tai and she didn't like the powers of darkness she hated thought of any of her friends being hurt especially her digimon Salamon who was her best friend even though Nadine tended to keep stuff to herself mostly but if she did share her problems with anyone it was Salamon or her mother.

Dai Motomiya was the son of Davis and Eva Motomiya. Dai was exactly like his father in both good and bad ways oh man did him and Raisa get up to lot of trouble. The two would always get in trouble in school and not know how to get out of the mess luckily since their whole team knew each other and were friends even if they weren't that close always managed to find a way to solve the problem. Dai was like a secondary leader to Raisa. Dai and Veemon were like brothers to one another backing each other up in everything.

Mabel Ichijoji was the daughter of Ken and Yolei. Mabel was a sweet, shy girl who didn't talk that much like her father so sometimes her overenthusiastic mother did scare her a little but of course she didn't mention that after some reassurance from both her parents and of course her digimon Wormmon. Mabel loved Wormmon with all her heart and would do anything for him no matter what it cost even it took her life.

Sachin Hida was the son of Cody and Saki a woman Cody had met during his college years. Saki wasn't a Digidestined but she understood her son had a responsibility to protect both worlds even if she didn't like it. Sachin didn't interact much with anyone even with his own digimon their friendship wasn't as close as the other kids had with their digimon.

Gennai wanted all the Digidestined to bring their kids to a meeting spot. Though the Digidestined knew what was coming they knew this day would come one day and hesitantly met up as Gennai appeared in front of them.

"Long time no see Digidestined." Gennai greeted and Raisa frowned slightly staying next to her brother but keeping quiet.

"Gennai is this what we think it is?" Tai asked getting straight to the point as Sora put a gentle hand on her husband's shoulder. Gennai sighed and nodded.

"Yes Tai it is indeed the new generation Digidestined are needed to protect the digital world." Gennai said calmly and Tai closed his eyes he hugged Sora close for a moment as she began crying before letting her go.

"Can we have a moment with our children please Gennai?" Tai asked and Gennai allowed it. Tai and Sora took both their children and noticed all the other Digidestined do the same.

"Raisa make sure you take care of your brother and be careful your so much like me that's what worries me more I don't want you making the same mistakes I did kiddo. You're the first female leader of the Digidestined and just take care ok?" Tai said ruffling his daughter's hair and moving over to hug his daughter before moving over to his son and letting Sora explain pretty much the same things to Raisa the two of them told Tallis and reassured him that things would be fine and that he should stick close to his sister.

"Don't worry Tallis we can beat those losers! After all we are the Digidestined!" Raisa cried encouragingly sounding much like her father when he was that age Tallis nodded though he was still slightly uncertain but didn't say anything.

"Bertin stick close to Gabumon he'll protect you and don't worry too much you'll be fine after all it is in your blood." Matt said encouragingly causing Bertin to nod slowly as his mother hugged him sobbing then finally let go.

"It'll be okay Mom." Bertin said trying to make his mother feeling better and she smiled before moving back next to Matt and his Gabumon.

"Camilla! I don't want you to go!" Mimi cried holding on to her daughter and crying her eyes out. This made the brunette feel a little awkward she had already been having doubts about going and now Camilla really did not want to go. Luckily Joe pulled Mimi away holding her close for a second and stroking her hair managing to calm her down before they both knelt down to their daughter's level.

"You'll be fine Cammie its in your blood your mother is just a little sad but we both knew this day would come I know you'll make us both proud." Joe said gently and Camilla hugged her Dad glad he had so much faith in her if only she had that much faith in herself.

Justin and Nadine both looked at each other as their parents came to them.
"Justin take care of your sister." TK began before looking over to Kari who moved over enveloping both her children in a hug. TK and Kari's Patamon and Gatomon were watching their partners say goodbye.

"Nadine stick close to your brother no matter what and always remember light always overpowers darkness and you're the keeper of light baby I know you can beat it." Kari said softly before turning to Justin and adding "And Justin being the bearer of hope sometimes the other kids may think that there is no hope always believe in their power and both of you don't separate from Patamon and Salamon no matter what they will protect you with their lives if they have to." Both the kids nodded and Justin didn't know how to respond except both him and Nadine hugged their mother and then their father.

Davis reached down pulling Dai into a hug before hugging Dai's digimon as well.
"Both of you take care of each other. You have the crest of loyalty for a reason Dai I know you'll make me proud you'll be a great Digidestined." Davis said softly ruffling his son's hair gently and smiling down at him.

"We'll be just fine Dad after all we were always meant to be Digidestined." Dai said smiling happily truth was he was quite excited and ready to start fighting not thinking it could be dangerous. Like father like son.

Yolei was much like Mimi but Ken managed to calm her down.
"Mabel my little girl I know you will make me so proud you have a kind heart like your father and it will always make you successful." Yolei said softly once she had dried her tears. Ken smiled at his daughter as well.

"Never be afraid as long as the nine of you stick together you'll be unbeatable teamwork and friendship is the key." Ken said gently. Mabel felt tears in her eyes and she looked down for a moment.

"Mom, Dad what if I'm not good enough? What if I fail?" Mabel whispered this was only for her parents to hear. Ken moved away from Yolei then and knelt down to Mabel's level.
"You'll definitely be good enough it's in your blood and you wont fail besides your mother and I will be proud of you no matter what." Ken said sincerely and hugged her. Mabel nodded feeling much better as she picked up her digimon.

Sachin simply hugged his father and mother before running off to join Raisa Cody looked a little downfall but Saki hugged him gently.
"It'll be ok." Saki said softly and gently and Cody nodded though not really sure what to think.

"Okay what do we need to do?" Raisa asked looking towards her father before looking back at Gennai.

"Children put your digivices together." Gennai told them. Raisa brought her digivice to the middle, their digimon were standing next to each of them as one by one the kids put their digivices in the middle and they were lifted into the air starting to float away.

"Raisa! Tallis!" Sora cried running forward but Tai pulled her back holding her close. Yolei wanted to run forward to but Ken held her to him. All the DigiDestined watched as their children floated away knowing this had to happen and wondering if they would be okay.
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Number of posts : 1075
Age : 31
Location : Coming to a theatre near you...
Registration date : 2008-09-05

The Legacy Continues Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 5:17 pm

I really like the way you introduced the new characters, and had them retain characteristics from their parents, but you also left room for them to grow into their own person, which is nice.

One thing I did notice was that you had a few run-on sentences, so maybe you might want to break some of them up with commas or whatever.

But other than that, it was great! Can't wait for the next chapter! XD
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Sora Ishida
Sora Ishida

Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-06-06

The Legacy Continues Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 4:34 am

Yeah english isnt my first language so thank you for the criticism its always good to improve Smile
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Number of posts : 2312
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-09-05

The Legacy Continues Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 11:53 am

Any fic that starts with the goggles always gets my attention, in a good way. I won't lie, I don't generally like next generation fics, but this isn't bad Smile it's got a real family feel to it. Also, my inner feminist is loving the girl power here, let's see how Raisa does as a goggle head! : )
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Sora Ishida
Sora Ishida

Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-06-06

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PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 1:18 pm

Your so sweet SugarSpiral thank you. Im sorry I dont know your real name either that or I dont pay attention much I'll post the other chapters soon I recently got out of hospital so Im still recovering and havent been able to do much Sad
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Number of posts : 2312
Age : 33
Registration date : 2008-09-05

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PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 1:40 pm

You're welcome Nasha : ) I'm Aana, and I haven't been very active lately so don't worry about that!

Hospital? I won't pry, but I hope you're ok. There's no rush, this place isn't going anywhere- concentrate on getting better!!
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Sora Ishida
Sora Ishida

Number of posts : 27
Registration date : 2010-06-06

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PostSubject: Re: The Legacy Continues   The Legacy Continues Icon_minitimeMon Jun 21, 2010 2:20 am


Screams were heard as the new Digidestined fell through the gate they landed hard on the ground. Raisa groaned as she stood up before going over and helping Tallis as well as the other kids stood up.

"Man this place looks nothing like Dad explained it in fact it looks like a dump." Raisa said adjusting her goggles as Tallis sighed his sister had a point but that was why they were here wasn't it?

"Where do you think the enemy could be Patamon?" Justin asked looking to the digimon who shrugged slightly not entirely sure.

"I'm not sure Justin the best place I can think of is near the mountains so we should start walking there." Patamon said softly and Justin nodded looking to his cousin Raisa to see what she would think considering she did seem to take on a leadership role.

"Sure that sounds great!" Raisa said smiling as she looked to her digimon and grinned and they began moving forward to where they saw the mountains. Agumon rolled his eyes at his partner she could be so irrational at times though he was pretty much used to it. Bertin noticed Mabel behind everyone else and jogged slightly behind to catch up to her.

"You ok Mabel?" Bertin asked kindly sure Bertin usually didn't interact much but he thought Mabel was a nice girl quite innocent and sweet. Mabel looked up a small smile appearing on her face as she looked at Bertin she was a little surprised but was glad Bertin seemed to care about her somewhat.

I don't know what to really tell him though. I cant tell him that I'm having doubts about being a Digidestined. He'd probably get angry at me and Mom and Dad would be disappointed in me for not wanting to take responsibility it really isn't that I'm slacking off or anything its just what if I'm not as brave and strong as my parents were? Just the thought that I could let our whole group down scares me and I don't want anything happening to Wormmon he's such a good friend Mabel thought softly to herself sighing she hated doubting herself but it was just how she was and there was nothing she could do to change. She was brought out of her thoughts by Wormmon's voice.

"Mabel? Are you okay?" Wormmon said sounding concerned about her he knew Mabel didn't often share her thoughts but he had a feeling something was worrying her and he didn't want her upset and keep it inside like her father had.

Mabel sighed a little and smiled at both Bertin and Wormmon.

"I'm fine just thinking." Mabel said softly trying to sound happy and normal after all she must have some of her mother's hyperactiveness in her however their little moment was interrupted by a DarkTyrannomon attacking.

"Agumon digivolve!" Raisa cried getting her digivice out but it had no reaction. Raisa froze looking around why wasn't the digivice working? Raisa looked over at Agumon wondering if he knew.

"First digivolution is triggered automatically so the only way right now is run!" Agumon cried and Raisa screamed and the whole team began running the way they came from. Raisa reached over grabbing Tallis's hand and running while Justin grabbed Nadine's their digimon were behind them also running as fast as they could until they came to a dead end.

"Uh this is bad." Raisa muttered. So much for her being a leader. What would her parents do if they were in this situation? Great now Raisa wished she hadn't fallen asleep when her mother was telling the tale of their first adventure but she couldn't help it the bit about the crests was so boring anyway now was not the time to be remembering stuff like that she had to think of something before they were all killed.

"Oh no this is it! We're doomed!" Camilla cried her eyes wide how were they supposed to beat this evil digimon if they couldn't digivolve? Why hadn't their parents warned them about this? This was why Camilla hated fighting she just wanted to stay home and hang out with Palmon but she had to be given this stupid destiny why couldn't somebody else save the world?

"Raisa look out!" Tallis cried to his sister as DarkTyrannomon lunged for her the leader of the DigiDestined brought her hands in front of her face prepared to take the blast when she heard Agumon call out to her.

"RAISA! No!" Agumon cried and the girl's digivice began beeping and flashing. Raisa's eyes widened as she saw Agumon being covered by an orange light then suddenly they were filled with a wild excitement she knew what was happening her digimon was going to digivolve!

"Agumon digivolve to…Greymon!"

"Greymon! You are so cool!" Raisa cried happily seeing the Champion form of her digimon even though her father had told her about all of Agumon's forms it was still cool seeing him. Mabel and Bertin both let out a shout of happiness then glanced at each other exchanging a smile.

"They did it! Wow!" Camilla cried slightly surprised but still happy for her friends she looked over at Palmon wondering when she would digivolve.

"Go Raisa!" Dai encouraged thinking about when Veemon would digivolve or even armourdigivolve it would probably be easier for Dai to use his loyalty to make his digimon armourdigivolve rather than digivolving to his adult form. Raisa cheered on Greymon who managed to win and then dedigivolved to Agumon and collapsed. Raisa ran over to Agumon's side.

"Agumon! Are you okay? You did great little guy thanks for saving my butt back there." Raisa said happily causing Agumon to chuckle.

"I'm fine and anytime girl." Agumon said smiling he was a little tired but he was glad that Raisa was okay and that he was able to protect his Digidestined partner. Hopefully the other digimon could digivolve soon as well.

To Aana: I'm back from the hospital now they told me to rest but Im an active person so I cant mope around in bed all day I love Raisa too she's kinda like me in some ways so yeah
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